Feb 1, 2012

Out of the Corner of Their Eyes

Are you ready for some “super” football?  I’ll be watching this Sunday to see if New England establishes itself as a dynasty or if “Peyton’s Little Brother” improbably moves into the family lead of Super Bowl wins.  But I have to tell you, I’m just a tad nervous about all the stuff that’s packed around the game.  Anyone remember 2004 and a certain half-time show “mishap”?  “Wardrobe malfunction” gets millions of search results – it’s almost everyday language now. 

And the ads that pay for our gridiron gala are almost universally designed to offend what I think are reasonable standards of decency.  I firmly believe if they even thought they could get away with it, GoDaddy.com would broadcast strippers on a pole at every commercial break.  (Here’s a preview of an Acura Super Bowl ad that I can support enthusiastically.)

Please don’t think I represent the Prude Police.  I’m not trying to legislate morality for the rest of the world, but I am responsible for the moral development of my children.  And even though, in time, they‘ll take ownership of their values, I have to begin the training of their hearts and minds in my home.  

My view is that sex is a wondrously glorious thing AND I think it is a wondrously private thing between a husband and wife*.  Football is a spectator sport.  Intimacy, by the very definition of it, is not.  Each year, many (most?) Super Bowl commercials gen up raw lust to push their wares.  Somehow, in the midst of this hormone carnival, I want to help my children (I have four boys) understand that a) they are being manipulated, and b) the whims of the world should not form their view of women or of marital intimacy.

If, to a greater or lesser degree, you share my concerns, here are some approaches to dealing with all the nonsense coming our way. 

First, you know it’s coming.  Ad agencies have been perfecting their message for months; why don’t you spend some time getting your message across?  What do you believe and what have you taught your children about sex and gender relations in general?  Repeat and reinforce that message before the Big Game.  By the way, my friend at National Center for Fathering / Father.com have put together a set of articles that will be a big help in this area.  

I tell my sons, “That’s not your wife.  That is someone else’s wife (or potentially so).  I do not want someone else having sexual feelings for my wife.  Accordingly, I should not have sexual feelings for someone other than my wife.”  

A conversation with daughters would go along the same lines, but I would add this, “Darling, sometimes this world looks at women merely as sex objects.  I’m sorry for that.  I want you to know that sex with your husband will be a spectacular experience.  As for the rest of the world, I don’t want anyone else to think about you sexually.  I really don’t like commercials that portray females simply as objects of sexual desire.”  Of course, you’ve got to scale these conversations up or down depending on age.  

I know a lot of dads may get queasy with such frank talk, but let me ask you a question, if you’re not talking to your kids about sex, where are they going to get their information?  GoDaddy?

That brings me to my second point – your children are expecting you to talk to them.  How do I know?  Let me paint a picture for you.  You and your child are together; you may be in the living room, you may be in the hardware store.  Something happens; a word is spoken, a gesture is made, something out of character.  What happens?  I call it the “corner of the eye” experience.  Out of the corner of your eye you see that your child is watching you out of the corner of their eye.  They are checking on you, they are measuring you to see how you are going to respond to what just happened.  With their little eyes they are asking you, “Can I use that word?  Can I make that gesture?  Can I cop that attitude?  Can I dress that way?  Can I stare at girls/boys that are dressed that way?”  

You, dad, are the gatekeeper of your child’s heart and mind.  Stand guard!  What are you going to let pass through that gate and into their lives shaping them forever?  Do you want your daughter thinking that unless she wiggles her tush like that, she’ll never find love?  Do you want your son expecting all he needs to do is use the right body spay and four girls will fight to make love to him?  Hmmm?

Here’s a simple truth.  What one generation doesn’t take a stand against, the next generation will take a stand with.  Dad’s, man the gate!!  The values that your child will embrace – either yours or GoDaddy’s – will be decided this Sunday… and every other day of their young lives.  Do your duty.

Clark H Smith

*This perspective of sex-in-the-context-of-marriage is informed by my faith and my traditions.  Not everyone comes with the same approach and I know the idea of marriage is being tested right now.  I can tell you that extensive scholarly research and my work with numerous couples through the years confirm that the best place for sex is inside marriages.  If you'd like to talk about it, I promise you a gracious dialogue - send me an email.