Nov 13, 2012

Say Who All We Love

An acquaintance of mind, David Patterson, once wrote some of the most precious and poignant words I’ve ever read:

“Home is where you first hear your name spoken in love.”

Think back to when your baby entered your home.  Think about the words you cooed to that precious child.  Think about the tenderness with which you spoke those words, including your baby’s name.  Love wrapped its arms around that name and carried it into your babe’s heart.  Home is where you first hear your name spoken in love.  What a perfect portrait of the home.

And your baby’s name is not the only name spoken in love.  “Mommy”  “Daddy”  “Bubba”  “Sissy”  All the names of the home wear the same cloak of affection. 

Tammy & Raylee...
thanks for the inspiration, ladies!
A dear friend of mine began a wonderful bedtime experience with her sons long ago and continues often now when her grand-niece visits.  When the busyness of the day is done and a night’s sleep is at hand, my friend cuddles up with her child and, together, they say “who all we love” - listing everyone by name and repeating several names. 

What a wonderful bedtime tradition… for the home to not only be the place where your name is spoken in love, but also the place where you express and emphasize the love you have for others.

I’m sharing this bedtime tradition in this blog because I think this is a perfect experience for fathers to participate in.  Yes, moms are the one who typically represent the beauty of love in the home.  All the more reason dads should find meaningful times and ways to help their children recognize that their dad is a loving person, too.  I certainly want my children to see me as a compassionate person with love for the people in my world.  Don’t you?

If you’re fortunate to still have children who crave a few moments with you before they sail off to Dreamland, consider cuddling up with them and getting lost in saying “who all we love.”  I have a feeling it will make their dreams all the sweeter.

Clark H Smith